Saturday, June 6, 2015

New Citizens Arrive!

This week's shipping container of illegal immigrants--I mean, verified healthy persons who will not at all be exploited for cheap labour--has arrived at the docks. You can find each of these in Good Toastville, where, starting today, you can also join the town by simply becoming a Patreon subscriber! All other hurtles have been removed! Subscribe to support Good Toast through the upper right hand patron link, and you will be messaged on Patreon to arrange for your own custom drawn Good Toast character to appear in the Pantheon of Great Toasters. Talk about easy!

Today's new citizens harken from Daily Toast #108, Daily Toast #103, Daily Toast #163, and our very own mayor has returned from his tax evasion--I mean, doctor mandated for health reasons--trip!

 PS: It's also worth checking out Good Toastville for new buildings all the time! I've heard rumours about a new warehouse on the edge of town, and the building recently accepted a flatbed carrying something covered in a gore-slicked tarp. All the townsfolk, especially the bees, are abuzz about it.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Vincent the Vampire Hunter

Just wanted to show off a quick colour sketch a pal of mine did for Vincent the Vampire Hunter, bathing in the glow of what I'm assuming is a rather messy kill (or he put too much ketchup on his fries and despises anyone that eats 'em bare). Nick's artwork can be found at, and on his more updated facebook page

Thanks a ton, Nick, and if anyone else wants to do their own quick pic, or submit a wallpaper feature, send them to (in e-mail, no attachments please!). If you'd like to find said art, or this awesome piece, head over to the Media and Goodies area!

Daily Toast #202